Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pizza-Ordering Listening Activity and the likes of it

The pizza-ordering listening activity made me realise how ICT can serve merely as a mode of delivery for lesson content. The activity did not involve pupil interaction. Though it was intended to test listening skills, I realise how artificial the teaching-learning context can become when the student is not given a role to be actively-involved in the pizza-ordering activity. This does not give the student the opportunity to be responsible for his learning. This activity brings to mind how powerpoint presentations can likewise make students passive recipients of knowledge. Though the colour and animation effects in the slides may make the lesson more attractive, yet the information on the slides can be easily presented in handouts. In fact for most of such powerpoint presentations, teachers print handouts with lines at the side of slides for additional notes. In this instance, the computer is surely a mode of disseminating knowledge to students.

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